The prioritization of settings in the official documentation is not clearly outlined, so this guide organizes the process.


  • Hugo: v0.137
  • PaperMod: v8.0
$ hugo version
hugo v0.137.0-59c115813595cba1b1c0e70b867e734992648d1b+extended windows/amd64 BuildDate=2024-11-04T16:04:06Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
$ git submodule foreach 'git log -1 --oneline'
Entering 'themes/PaperMod'
3e53621 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Update PaperMod version to v8+ in license.css and license.js


Configure a fallback image placed in the static/images directory1 by specifying it in the params.images section of hugo.yaml:

    - "images/default-cover.jpg"

Verification Steps

Local Environment

  1. Run the hugo command to build the site and verify the following:

    1. The file public/images/default-cover.jpg is generated.
    2. The public/index.html file includes the following <meta> tag:
    <meta property="og:image" content="">

After Deployment

  • Use tools like OpenGraph to check the deployed URL and confirm that the thumbnail displays correctly.


The OpenGraph image selection logic in PaperMod follows this order:

  1. opengraph.html
  2. _funcs/get-page-images.html

The image selection prioritization is as follows:

  1. An image specified in the cover.image field of the front matter.
  2. The first image specified in the images field of the front matter.
  3. Images in the Page Bundle whose filenames include feature, cover, or thumbnail.
  4. The first image specified in site.Params.images.

Thus, the hugo.yaml setting is used as the fallback in this hierarchy.


  1. In Hugo, files in the static directory are directly reflected in the public URL. ↩︎